Sector - Biotech Research

Project - Project Management Team Effectiveness Support and Business Process Re-engineering of Product Pipeline Process

Aims - Implementing Goal Directed Project Management (GDPM) and creating business process models, new management protocols and company values statements.

What was involved?

Developed and co-created the Cantab Company Product Pipeline and Commercialisation Business Process Models, with a multi-disciplinary team of key stakeholders from across the company…

  • Creating simple, jargon free descriptions of critical work flows, essential to business success, understandable to both scientists and non-science orientated people.

  • Incorporating business process models into company training programmes and induction programmes for all new recruits.

  • Clarifying critical supplier responsibilities and 2-way partnering commitments, within the Cantab Product Pipeline business process.

  • Identification of ‘Critical Commercial Necessities’, early on in the Partnering Selection Process, for optimum company positioning with potential big pharmaceutical development partners, e.g. Glaxo Smith Kline.

  • Designed and produced the Cantab Process Management Guidance Pack, subsequently circulated throughout the company, suppliers and partners, resulting in improved working practices and commercial arrangements with strategic partner alliances and relationships. Developed a Process Based Management (PBM) approach, for managing the Cantab business more effectively, at Senior Management Team level…

  • Creating new management control frameworks, measures and reporting metrics, based around the new process models.

  • Revising Senior Management Team practices for improved visibility, in association with project team processes, within the new operational framework.

  • Revising organisation/team structures and departmental involvement, to enhance higher quality discussions of science and commercial issues, in a more timely, specific and appropriate manner.

  • Presenting at the Cantab Annual Management Conference to introduce PBM concepts and changing management systems.

  • Designing and facilitating a Cantab Project Manager Process Orientation Workshop, for project managers leading critical product developments.

  • Designing and facilitating Project Team Start Up workshops (2 day events) for all current company projects, using a Goal Directed Project Management (GDPM) approach, in conjunction with the EuroProjex company and Dr Rodney Turner (cocreator of GDPM).

  • Developing solid and robust project definitions, stakeholder mapping, milestone plans, responsibility charts and risk assessments for all company project teams.

  • Orientating project team members towards Process Based Management of projects in Cantab

  • Transferring skills of the GDPM team planning approach, to key stakeholders in company, prior to assignments finishing, for client self sufficiency.

  • Developing an agreed set of Cantab Company Values Statements, through implementing a participative and inclusive company discussion process…

  • Designing and developing Focus Group workshop processes, questions and syndicate sessions around development of company values statements.

  • Designing a Company Survey Questionnaire to gather views from all employees.

  • Compiling survey data and facilitation of discussions with the Board and Senior Management Team to create a fully participative implementation approach.

  • Solid buy in and engagement from company employees to the process and outcomes achieved, resulting in greater company pride, increased motivation and more commitment to collective success.

What the client said…

“In running his training groups, Nick is well prepared, energetic and enthusiastic. He is committed to completing his tasks and transmits this to his groups. He is particularly adept at getting into tune with his groups to enhance their learning. He is serious without being stuffy and light hearted without being frivolous. He is well liked by the company and has established a strong relationship.”

Jurek Sikorsky, CEO, Cantab Pharmaceuticals

“I worked with Nick on an initiative involving the transformation of processes across several teams and functions. I can highly recommend Nick’s ability, knowledge and experience to create a safe working environment and to come alongside each team
member and rapidly understand and map out the impact of the change. He was able to lead us, with incredible enthusiasm and professionalism, to identify alternative opportunities with improved efficiencies leading to a achieving a shared objective. I
was reluctant to join the group at the beginning of this initiative, but learnt so much – and would welcome the opportunity to work with Nick again”.

Julie Uttridge, Clinical Project Manager, Cantab Pharmaceuticals

“Having been involved in project planning at Cantab Pharmaceuticals, a growing UK biotech, it became clear that there were gaps in some business processes, particularly
planning. Nick was brought in to help shape our processes and ensure that our project planning was detailed and accurate. Nick trained me in some excellent project planning and business mapping techniques.

Nick’s capability was evident from the first day and he very quickly helped our team get up to speed with state-of-the-art planning techniques. After the initial phase of our interactions, Nick left me with the ability to plan projects, to map business processes and also to facilitate planning workshops.

Our interactions were on-going for several years and I gained a lot of valuable experience and insights from Nick. The techniques that he taught me have been invaluable in each of the companies and roles in which I have since worked. ”

Mark Wilson, Development Department Head, Cantab Pharmaceuticals


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