Sector - Construction Industry

Project – Atkins Business Process Reengineering & Strategic Operational Framework Redesign

Aims - Mapping the strategic key business processes and implementing new project and business control systems, using Stage Gate Reviews to improve financial controls and project risk management decision making

What was involved?

  • Designing and facilitating a series of workshops, with multi-disciplinary department representatives, to examine and develop the Key Business Processes for the Atkins company and develop associated information in support of Process and Risk Management, Leadership, Change Control, with implementation of improved working practices across the company

  • High quality, facilitated workshop discussions, bringing disparate departments together, to define and agree improved working processes, from very different working and company political perspectives

  • Mapping, modelling and communicating key business process models across the company, engaging Sponsors and key stakeholders

  • Implementation plans identified, for each key business process, namely…

    • Enterprise Framework Model

    • Service Delivery

    • Market and Business Positioning

    • Results and Learning Capture

    • Lead and Manage the Business

    • Commercial Partnering and Acquisitions

    • Supply Management

    • Transactional Purchasing Business Support

  • Design and implementation of a ‘Stage Gate Risk Management’ Framework running at strategic level, to ensure proper commercial consideration of multiple project risk exposures

  • Creating an Atkins Operational Framework document, to outline Business Process and Company Risk Management strategies and policies, in order to communicate the revised Corporate Governance requirements, across the Group.

  • Designing and facilitating of a series of intervention and corrective action workshops, with the newly formed Shared Service Facility, to rectify damaging problems, following the introduction of poorly specified financial systems across the group…

  • Development of the fundamental business process models that properly highlighted the required workflows, missed out by the previous system teams/consultants, on the new system introduction project.

  • Provided an essential quality thinking and business process focus, towards robust, long term solutions, instead of the existing crises management and firefighting activity

  • Identified new sources of savings and increased revenues, with action plans created by theme owners and key working teams set up to deliver the results.

  • Designing and facilitating a Group Information Systems (GIS) teamwork and integration development workshop event, (60 people) to create clarity and purpose around imperatives and critical success factors for Atkins GIS during 2002.

  • Developing multi-disciplinary team-working within GIS around key deliverables and internal customer dissatisfaction/business requirements – this was considered a great success by those involved, having never been enabled to work together in such a productive way previously.

  • Identifying and developing GIS reorganisation and cost reduction actions, with senior GIS executives.

  • Designing and facilitating Supply Management process team workshops, to reinforce process thinking, share learning on process implementation and focus on getting to grips with a £7M + £7M target cost reduction contribution, including structured action plan formats, team responsibility mapping and personal coaching with team members.

  • Designing and facilitating of a series of workshops to explore proposed JV with Sodexho and Atkins, including objectives, requirements and opportunities definition and political buy-in agenda structuring…

    • Led and facilitated high quality workshop discussions between respective company directors and senior departmental heads

    • Rapid feasibility studies created and business plan proposals compiled, for presentation to both companies Board of Directors, despite facing strong resistance from some ‘self preservation interests’ involved

What the client said…

“Nick has displayed his skills in managing change within organisations and clearly creates an environment whereby change occurs more readily, using a creative blend of behavioural competencies that underpin relationship management and applied
process thinking, within the context of an appropriate business operating model.”

Paul Crolla, Group Commercial Director,
Atkins plc


Implementing New Project & Process Management Practices


Project Manager of £50M ATP Customisation Programme