A Huge Thank You to the following lovely awakened people, from all over the world, who spent a bit of time with me, sharing how things have been for them, through lockdowns and other c19 impositions…

Tina Peters, Maria Rose, Imogen Robins, Norna Blu, Jon Sabin, Toby Carpenter, Amanda Stevenson, Kelly Crosby, Jocelyn Lartigolle, Vas Shah, Helen Patricia Meldon, Dawn Lindup, Patricia Anne Hiley, Sharon Tait, Pamela H Ardie, Doné Doné, Laura Livingston, Sofie Jeanne Alice, Dawn Palmer, Sueli De Carvalho, Michelle Henderson, Deborah Ackroyd, Margaret Shaunessy, Paul Harding-Thorp, Michelle Adkins, Elvina Parker, Viki Seventy Seven, Dianne Lawrence, Malcolm Powder, Marwyn Bhanderi, Cathy Whitaker, Jacqueline Bradley, Dee Suter, Sarah Moomin, Pam Downs, Barbara Hosker, Imelda Floyd, Claire Newman, Mary Ann Wilson, Sally Coombs, Toni Barca, Heather MacKenzie, Aivis Liepins, Debra Dudley, Christine Hallett, Shane Fudge, Graham O’Neil, Brigitte Pommee, Ylenia Angeli, Leandra Ashton, Charlie Coltman, Lisa Jayne, Lynn House, Angela DP, Tina Hyde.

Your comments, observations and stories are so very much appreciated, as is your support and enthusiasm for this work - Thank You!

Please see the Research Page for the Report Findings Video.

My Special Thanks go to Pat Hiley and Jessica Mehag for your kindness and appreciation.

Special Thanks and Divine Gratitude Go To Some Very Special Beings, Who Have Accelerated My Personal Evolution and Deeper Awareness Recently and Over The Years…

Lady Leana Of The Light (www.powerpassionfreedom.com)

Dr Christina Northrop - Dr Sherry Tenpenny - Prof Delores Cannon - Dr Sam White - David Icke - Donald J Trump - John F. Kennedy Jr. - Dr Charlie Ward - Simon Parkes - Mel K - Nicholas Veniamin - Juan O Savin - General Flynn - Michael Jaco - Gene Decode - Sasha Stone - Lee Harris - Matt Kahn - Ishala Wayshower (www.ishalawayshower.com) - Dr Joe Dispenza - Gregg Braden - Lynne McTaggart - Dr Bruce Lipton - Tony Robbins - Dr Eric Pearl - Dr John F. DeMartini - John Seymour - Judith Lowe - Robert Dilts - Dr Stephen Gilligan - Sue Knight - Jeffrey Hodges - Byron Katie - Richard Barratt - Geetu Bharwaney - Marvin Oka/Grant Soosalu - Jim Loehr - Sir John Whitmore - Dr Martin E.P. Seligman - Barbara Marciniak - Shakti Gawain - Sanaya Roman - Osho - Diana Cooper - Sonia Choquette - Susan Jeffers - Stuart Wilde - Dr Gary Zukav - Dr Wayne W. Dyer - M. Scott Peck - Neale Donald Walsh - James Redfield - Paulo Coelho - Howard Martin/Doc Childre - David R. Hawkins - Penny Peirce - Bobbi DePorter - Nick Williams - Simon Sinek - Ken Wilber - Dr Don Beck - Dr Robert B. Cialdini - David Molden - Lynne Beachner/Anola Pickett - Larry Reynolds - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Dr F. Batmanghelidj - Margaret J. Wheatley - Frederick Laloux - Peter Senge - Stephen R. Covey - David Perkins - Genie Z. Laborde - William C. Bytham - Roger von Oech - Colin Rose - Roger Plant - Viktor E. Frankl - Napoleon Hill