Join The Next Level Transformations Community


The Next Level Transformations Community

Get access to practical, yet Divinely Inspired insights and engaging learning environments, which stimulate your higher-self awareness, personal expansion and self-empowerment…

What’s Included?

Access replays of The Inspired & Liberated Transformers Club Resource Library

Watch over 80 hours of past TILT Club presentations and guided meditations, covering a range of 5D Liberation topics, activations and discovery experiences…

Discounted 5D Liberation Coaching Sessions with Paul

Accelerate your transformations and evolutionary experiences with 1:1 guidance and assistance from Paul and his spiritual team. Explore and reveal the keys to knowing who you really are and orientate yourself around your highest purposes in this lifetime, whatever they may be…

Access The Superhero Called You! Video Series

Get more familiar with 22 different Superpowers and learn how to simply nurture and cultivate them, in your everyday lives…

Discounted Tickets for Live Events & Workshops

Get discounts on live events for future Next Level Transformations self-empowerment workshops and other online events…

Discounted Access to Online Learning Journeys

Access discounts for online learning journeys and self-study video modules, designed and channelled to encourage your Divinely Inspired Self-Empowerment

Why Become a 5D Liberator and NLT Community Member?

“I thought the Monday evening TILT Club was excellent. You have some wonderful information and presented it very clearly and with a lot of passion. You are one of the leaders of our time for sure and people are in so much need of this kind of inspiration.”

— Pam Gregory (UK Astrologer)

“Before this workshop I was struggling with self-sabotage, procrastination and lack of belief in myself. I now feel better equipped to work out in the 5D gym and hold myself accountable to do my part. I am leaving with a clear plan to help myself Strengthen my Divine Connections. Huge thanks for an amazing day and your wonderful energy that you bring with you!”

— SK (UK Workshop Participant)

“I have been waiting since 9yrs old to experience this! It was beyond powerful for me”

— RS (UK Group Decree Process Participant)

“It's really good to remember who we are, how amazing we are and how important it is to think the very best of ourselves. Heart, heart, heart! Love is everything. I loved it all and very empowering”

— JW (UK Workshop Participant)

“You took us on this informative journey, gently, with love and care. You made it very easy to understand and I left feeling joyous and also with an inner peace”

— AS (UK Workshop Participant)

“I really enjoyed being in a room full of like-minded people, raising and holding Light for Humanity. All Communities could do with these resources that Paul offers. Thank you so much Paul for shining your Light!”

— PR (UK Workshop Participant)

“This workshop was very empowering and inspirational. Paul provided practical tools for living in 5D, raising our vibration and guiding us to find our own answers. It was a perfect balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Thank you for a wonderful day!”

— FS (UK Workshop Participant)

This Is Our Time To Rise Up & Shine and Remember Who We Really Are…

Become A Next Level Transformations Community Member


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