What Clients Are Saying…

“If you are open to everything and anything and you want to give your business a lift, Paul will help you to re-energise the energy at your workplace to something very positive and aligned.

Paul reads energy fields and aligns energy flows and helps remove blockages in your personal and business activities. It is a better feeling work environment here because of Next Level Consulting and our increased sales are testament to what he does.”

“As a business owner operating in a tough retail environment, we looked for any ways to improve our trading. With Paul we got much more than we imagined possible. Not only did we create an improved workplace environment and increase sales significantly, but Paul helped us on an individual and personal level as well. I highly recommend Nick for business transformations.

We were able to make some important staff changes and create/execute an exit plan and sell the business that had overshadowed our lives for a long time. We are now free to engage with new personal callings and much the wiser from our experiences.”

David Bredheuer, Retail Business Owner and Director

Before I came to Paul, my business had become stale and I had become complacent in my operations, which was having a negative affect on both the business and my personal health.

I wanted to change this and needed help in relighting my passion for the industry and finding my feet again as I was concerned about the long-term effects this was going to have.

I had tried various self-help books and online 'gurus' but found that they either did not work or just didn't have the capacity to help me with what I needed.

Paul was recommended to me by a mutual business contact and he seemed to understand me and was easy to talk to.

Paul helped me by stripping things back to basics and allowing me to begin to see clearly and then worked with me in forging a plan going forward.

Although our coaching sessions didn't go on for very long, the time Paul and I spent together was really helpful and encouraged me to turn a corner in both my personal and business life and I'm in a much better position than I was previously. Thanks Paul!

Simon Vincent, Owner/Founder, Flexx Creative

“Paul provided me with an essential boost in my approach to both personal and business activities.  

His guidance, understanding and support is focused, genuine and without doubt gave me the necessary tools to empty and re-balance the spinning washing machine of life!

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Paul and continue to work closely with him on my journey”.

David M, Senior Sales Consultant, IT Services Company

Awesome Client - Privacy Respected

“I have enjoyed the opportunities I’ve had to develop new ideas and working principles with Paul over the years.

What Paul is a really excellent ‘sound boarder’, helping others to explore the reality of both the current situation and what other options and opportunities are available.

He has a very natural, self-assured, authentic and approachable way about him and you instantly feel comfortable in his presence and able to get to the heart of problem and work things out quickly.

As a highly sensitive and intuitive person, Paul has been able to step into difficult situations for entrepreneurs and others in business and explore new change opportunities with great tact, skill and playfulness.

He doesn’t hesitate from ‘calling the truth’ of the situation as he sees it, usually to everyone’s benefit.

I’d highly recommend him in providing support to any personal or business transformation or business change initiative.”

Stewart Boyle, Managing Director, Vert Energy Associates

“Paul was my Coach and Mentor for over a year and his input and advice was extremely productive in moving my business forward.

Paul is very creative and full of good ideas and he supported the big vision I have for my business. With his encouragement I pitched my business for £200,000 of investment via Hong Kong investors, he even helped design the flyer for the process.

With his belief in me I flew out to Hong Kong and presented at the British Embassy to potential investors. I would not have dreamt of doing that without Nick’s encouragement.

As a result I am now much more confident to talk to further potential investors and see my dream come true. Paul has played an important part in that process and I will be forever grateful. Thank you Paul!”

Rosemary Parr, CEO Global PA Association & Training Academy

“Paul is an old soul who has an enormous capacity to transform your business and your life. Paul’s uniqueness lies in his capability to “see” on several levels and with great depth as to what is ailing you and your business Physically, Emotionally, Energetically and Spiritually.

He then provides healing and awareness building strategies to support you make the necessary changes, to be successful in all areas of your business and personal life.

I have personally experienced Paul’s wondrous and magical healing abilities and benefited from the clarity and depth of understanding Paul provides. I have also worked alongside Paul in group healing sessions and witnessed his insights make immediate changes in people’s energy fields, due to his working processes.

If you are ready to make a change and need the support of a sincere and genuine person, with a willingness to truly transform your life for the better, then I highly recommend Paul.”

 Richard Beattie, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist and Energy Healer

“Paul has an unusually broad range of skillsets to play with.

At the first coaching support session, we went out into nature to calm my highly stressed state, given some very big business challenges I had been facing, which had become highly problematic and deeply draining for me.

At the next session, we were mapping out alternative fuel industry supply chain models and frameworks, in order to identify new partnering and collaboration opportunities and then sketching out strategic game plans to make this happen.

This range of performance support capabilities is unique in my experience and is a highly valuable combination for helping in today’s complicated, high pressure and high stress working environments.”

Julian Morgan-Jones, Managing Director, South East Wood Fuels

“I have known Paul since he first came to the Azores, as a client for our dolphin swimming and whale watching holiday in 2003.

My immediate impression of Paul was that he is a good mixer in groups and his pedigree as an NLP trainer, leadership coach and change consultant shows, in the way he treats and interacts with people – always with respect, sincerity and cheerful energy.

He has an infectious enthusiasm which touches everyone. Paul returned to the Azores for holiday again the following year, which showed me that he was consistent in his ability to interact with people and bring out the fun and playful sides of everyone.

It also became clear that even in conversation with Paul, he could help people understand and benefit from the intense emotions that often come up, when people are exposed to swimming with dolphins in the wild open sea. Our guests always found his reassuring presence calming.

As a natural helper and supporter, Paul was able to help several of my clients with fear based reactions regarding going off the boat into deep sea waters. He also was very good at helping others reflect on the meanings they chose to create, from their own personal dolphin encounters.

He is a good listener and empowered people to learn and grow from their experiences. I noticed that Paul was always aiming to create empowerment and a higher perspective in the minds and hearts of my clients. This deepened and broadened the experience my clients were able to have, throughout their dolphin swimming and whale watching holiday.

A couple of years later, an opportunity arose to bring on new guides in the Dolphin Connection Experience business and I immediately thought of Paul.

Strangely after that first internal discussion meeting, where Paul’s name was mentioned as a possible option, he called me afterwards, out of the blue and said he wanted to come back to the Azores with us!

Paul has worked with me as a guide and lead guide since then, as well as supporting my business in several other ways. He is a very experienced business change coach and my conversations with him have also helped me rethink some aspects of my business operations and strategy.

He has been a great support and inspiration which has contributed a lot to the growth of the business.”

Amanda Stafford, Owner and Director, The Dolphin and Whale Connection

““Paul is a rare gem in the highly professional service that he offers. On a personal level, in our consultations he made me feel safe and able to open my heart to all possibilities, without fear of what I might see. He listens without judgement and offers solutions in showing a different way to look at the past and the future.

The techniques Paul taught me in meditation and visualisation have proven exceedingly helpful in all areas of my life. I learned how to put things behind me and focus on what i want to achieve in the future, with less concern, and even higher positive thoughts, realising that I am strong and allowed to ask for God’s attention on what I want.

I was able to accept the traumas and guilt of my past, as part of my life journey which has shaped who I am today. This has improved my strengths in my relationships and self confidence in many areas of my life.

In business, the solutions Paul came up with helped my partner and I immensely, through some rough times psychologically, and resulted in drawing income towards us and a stronger focus on positivity.”

Emma Bredheuer, Retail Business Owner & Director

“Paul has been a great source of experience and has helped me navigate through 

During this time of uncertainty, it is often hard to make what you may consider to be the right decision.

I have run my own business for 18 years, and for the first time this year I found myself at a crossroads and was facing issues that were unprecedented. I was not sure what the best financial decisions would be for me and my family, both in terms of my business and moving house.

Paul has provided an insightful support for me, helping me to overcome the fear of the unknown and has taken into consideration all factors that are influencing my position. He has listened to my difficulties, and then given me invaluable advice that has helped to me navigate between the world that was and the world that now is.

He has been a very useful sounding board, who has shown an understanding of business principles and people. I feel that he has helped me to adapt myself to meet these challenges with the right force and direction.

Paul has helped me to understand and put into context life changing decisions that my extended family have made that I have not agreed with and that I have been very concerned about. He has helped me to understand that I can adapt to my world and not the world that others project.

We are at a pivotal point that straddles between two worlds right now, and it is important to learn how to embrace the new energy using our intuition and heart energy, whilst letting go of the principles that previously guided us.

I highly recommend Paul as an insightful resource in manifesting the future that you want to create for yourself. He has many tools that he can teach you that will see you through to the next level.”

Emma Stummer, Property Specialist, Business Owner

“Paul has helped me in 6 key areas of life, over a 3 month period. The areas included my personal wellbeing, family relationship conflicts and helping me with both business development and my own personal development.

Taking new action in all these areas, in very short timescales, has led to a level of ease in my everyday life that I could have never expected in this short period.

Paul’s qualities include being intuitive, focussed and energising, all at the same time.

This has built a very strong working relationship and this represents a very unique coaching scope, range and combination of capabilities.”

Niche consulting, training and coaching company Managing Director

Awesome Client - Privacy Respected

“Having worked with Paul in many business transformation, performance improvement and innovation projects over the years, I have never ceased to be amazed at how he can tune into a person, group or meeting to sensitively enable greater insights and new perspectives to emerge.

Paul is an inspiring, playful and highly engaging business change professional, with a huge creative capacity and ability to sense and recognise things that many others miss in everyday workplace and life situations.

As a keen observer and listener, Paul has an uncanny ability to read between the lines and pick up on what isn’t said, as well as what is.

He is a fearless paradigm shifter, a seasoned performance improvement and transformation coach and a highly respected facilitator of many years experience, to the extent that every conversation has the potential to become a new adventure for all involved.

If change is your thing, Paul’s your man!”

Irene Foxley, Business Innovator, Entrepreneur and Learning Specialist

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