The Vision…

Co-Creating Positive Living Communities With Unity Conscious, To Facilitate The Heart Based Economy…

The Purpose…

Assisting The Growth Of Your Positive Living Communities

The Community Hub Model Overview V2.0 January 2023


The Community Hub Model presents simple and effective new ways to focus local Community efforts into 5 primary areas, which make all our separate actions converge, towards the creation of Unity Conscious and The Heart Based Economy…

This presentation was developed by Matt Bell and myself, following Matt’s initial insights and over 2 years of international ‘Community Hub Builders’ conversations including The People’s Health Alliance Hub Builders worldwide.

How can local Communities liberate their energy flows and bring together all the amazing local projects, actions and initiatives, into multi-level collaborations and unity consciousness?

This presentation will assist you to ‘join the dots’ around what’s happening already, and hopefully inspire you to get involved with some of the many national and worldwide Heart-led projects and Movements, which are naturally emerging, from so many proactive local Communities and Conscious Creators, at this time…

Contact PLC...

If you are interested in getting involved with Holistic Community Building in Your local area, then please reach out and get in touch.