Coaching & Consulting Support for Spiritual Business Leaders & Conscious Entrepreneurs…

Q. How do you think the 3D business world will change, as we go further into the energies & frequencies of the New Earth Golden Age?

  • How can you get yourself ready & aligned with the new energies & frequencies?

  • What kinds of 5D Enterprises, Leaders & Entrepreneurs will remain?


Welcome to Next Level Transformations!

A Personal Welcome to Next Level Transformations, from Paul Le Clère…

Q. What is Next Level Transformations all about, in a nutshell…?

  1. It’s NOW Our Time To Rise Up & Shine!!!

Perhaps it’s now time to invest in the emergence of a higher version of you, that is more empowered, playful, purposeful & expansive?

2. It’s Now Our Time To Find Our High Vibe Tribes!!!

Maybe we can change our focus away from the old & broken systems of goverance & control, towards the co-creation of new, holistic Communities that enjoy more harmonic relationships & operate within the Heart Based Economy

3. We Are Remembering Who We Really Are!!!

Perhaps we are in the process of recovering from amnesia & scarcity programming, in order to remember Who We Really Are… Truly Expansive Beings of Divine Love, Truth, Wisdom, Innate Power & Authority

4. We Can Manifest The Realisation Of Our Dreams, Highest Purposes & Desires, Very Differently!!!

Our insights to build new kinds businesses and more conscious, interconnected & purpose driven enterprises, is fuelling new ways of team co-creation & personal manifestation of our hearts desires

Q. What was it that brought you here?

The chances are, that if you have come here, then maybe you are already aware, or becoming aware of the monumental con games and crimes against ‘We The People’ which have become increasingly obvious over the last 4+ years…

Maybe you have gone beyond the ‘enough is enough’ threshold & are actively seeking to make new breakthroughs in your personal & business lives

If the above is true and resonant for you, then you are in the right place!

Some of us are just at different stages of our personal evolution & ascension journey…

What if, you really were ‘The Genie of the Lamp’

…recovering from prolonged amnesia…

What would you do?

Q1. How would You use Your Unlimited Powers?

Q2. Can You Leave Your Old Limiting Mindsets and Beliefs Behind?

eg. Judgements, Blame, Dependencies, Fears, Anxieties, Anger, Bad Habits, Triggers, Conditioning, Ego, etc.

How To Clear The Way For Your Genie Superpowers?

When we finally get Our Own 5D Key to the Golden Age!!!

Q. Will it actually open the door for us?

If you want to find out more - here are some options below…

  1. Join Our Next Level Transformations Online Community!

Get access to the NLT Resource Library, plus other benefits…

2. Personal Liberation Coaching with Paul…

If you want to experience holistic & expansive personal transformations, why not book an intuitive coaching session with Paul…


3. 5D Liberator Group Decrees

Practice weekly to embody Your true power & authority to manifest Your future timelines with Conscious Knowing Awareness…

Join the Free Public 5D Liberators Group Decree Process every Thursday evening at 6pm London time on Zoom…

4. 5D Enterprise Leadership Coaching & Strategic Consulting Support

If you resonate with the new challenges facing 5D Enterprises & would like to find out more, then please get in touch below…


Donate To Support This Work


If You Resonate with this Work and Mission, then Please Make a Donation…

The World needs Divinely Inspired Lighthouses & 5D Aligned Enterprises, right now!

There’s never been a more important time to become Fully Liberated and Re-Claim Our Freedom and Divine Birthrights.

Finding Divinely Inspired and Truth Oriented personal transformation journey's has become tougher than ever. Perhaps that’s why you’re here. Please assist me to facilitate and enable the future leaders and agents of change for Our New Earth Golden Age transition.

Contribute today to support the Empowerment of Divinely Inspired & Liberated Beings who are Ready, Willing and Able to Rule Wisely across their Domains, with a clear Focus on ‘Service to Humanity’. Assist in building a Community of ‘Liberated Transformers’ who bring out their Intuitive Self Leadership, with Conscience, Compassion and 5D Ethics into Our New Earth…

Please Make A Donation To Support This Work Here

Activate Your Higher-Self Awareness with Paul